« Transformation » Award:
Best agile and integrated transformation
The digital transformation of STB BANK is based on disruption, and is mobilizing changes that target four dimensions:
A strategic dimension by focusing on internal and external customers, the instantaneity of transactions, the control of costs related to risk and compliance, the implementation of Agile & Lean approaches and open innovation;
A human dimension through the development and integration of skills at all levels in partnership with the ecosystem;
An organizational dimension through the place that digital and Data occupy in the organization, the implementation of dynamic structures according to a participative approach as well as the consideration of data protection and access;
A technological dimension through the use of Mobile, the concretization of the concept of Omni-channel access, Platformization and an open architecture based on Openbanking techniques, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
The objective of the STB BANK is to offer enriched and omni-channel customer journey and to enhance the internal and external customer experience to enchantment. Of course, this transformation required the involvement of all staff to adapt to the new models and the commitment of the General Management as the Leader who sets the course, the IT Department as the accelerator of the digital transformation, the Business Divisions through their feedback and the HR Department to support the change from its proximity.
« Solution / Customer Journey » Award:
The design, development and implementation of the DigiCarte digital solution is part of a global strategy of digital transformation and disruptive innovation of the Bank's offer. The starting point for DigiCarte is the customer experience, which is at the heart of the transformation begun a few years ago:
Revision of the banking services model: from a bank of products and services to an agile bank targeting complex customer needs and uses;
Understanding the scope of the customer experience: the customer's recollection of these different interactions through the different channels determines their future behaviour, engagement and loyalty;
Identifying and targeting levels of customer experience: from basic needs to delight;
The scope of use of this service: unlike traditional net banking applications, this solution has no limits; it offers as many functionalities as the needs expressed by the customers.
The optimization of the customer experience, a major differentiating element, based on seven levers for improving the customer experience as indicators of success through the DigiCarte application: Personalized service; improved customer experience; minimized effort; reduced time; reduced costs; increased trust; and customer empathy.
For each of the bank cards, DigiCarte offers the following functionalities:
Consult the history of card transactions;
Modify the ATM/POS ceilings;
Block the use of the card (in case of loss for example);
Unblock the use of the card;
Check prepaid card balance;
Edit the travel assistance certificate linked to the card;
Reload prepaid cards;
Grant a delegation of use of a prepaid card;
Categorize expenses;
Geo locate the nearest STB ATM.